Zombs.io Wiki
Bosses are on waves 9, 17, 25, 33, 41, 49, 57, 65, 73, 81, 89, 97, 105, and 121.
Zombies won't spawn at night until you place the gold stash.
Zombies won't spawn at night until you place the gold stash. It goes on forever after tier 6 at type 10 (at roughly wave 150).
Like with buildings, having more players in your party increases the number of monsters by (players x (number of zombies at in player))


Monsters are zombies that are spawned around a ruby. They can also be known as Demons.

Normal monsters are not hostile to the player unless they attack first, and will ignore you if you run away. They are a hassle to deal with and do not provide a reward when they are killed, so you should obviously ignore them.

Every 8 waves, an extremely large, powerful Monster will appear as a boss. Even if you are well-prepared, it can and will destroy almost anything in its way of the Stash in just a few hits, and takes quite a lot of punishment before it goes down!

If you attack a boss at least once before it dies, you and your party get a 1M of tokens and gold. (each one you attack gives you more gold)

Unlike the type of monsters that live around those red rocks called camps, whoever put the old text here is an actual monster. But he is a human being, instead of a made-up creature in a video game.

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